Monday, November 28, 2011

SAMS Poster Questions.

The story of this photo is to let people know how many kids get abused. It’s telling people to be aware, and to not abuse their kids. It’s basically just an awareness poster, telling people that they don’t have to be treated that way (if they are).
It started out with statistics and ended with a quote from Herbert Ward.
The audience for this piece is everyone. Well the teacher told us to make it, so the whole class is going to see it.
The message is to stop child abuse. There is not really more than one message, it’s just encouraging people to not abuse children.
This poster is non-fiction because it does actually happen, a lot. I don’t know if this a personal story, it could be. The teqnuiqes they used to convey their poster were putting pictures up of kids who looked like they were abused and they put a number on it for people, if they needed help. They didn’t use interviews or anything, but they did put in a quote. There were no audio things I heard.

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