Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Desirey Northrup.
Period 2.
A Perfect World.

To me, a perfect world is somewhere where there is no hate. Hate seems to be a huge part of why the world is so messed up. A perfect world also would have no violence, war, bullying, taking advantage, lying or stealing. A perfect world seems easy to have, but it is actually really hard because society is horrible now a days. All the world is right now is war and hate. I wish stuff like that would stop so the world would be peaceful, but that is impossible. Everybody is always saying to stop fighting, but no body actually does. A perfect world would also be if everything was cheaper; cars, houses, food ect. And college for example, college is sometimes almost 40,000 dollars a year. People want kids to have a good future and get good jobs, but how cam they if college is that much? So many people can afford it. A better world is impossible.

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